Dylan St. Cyr

Hometown: Northville, Michigan
Height / Weight: 5-9 / 170
Last Team: USNTDP (USHL)
2016-17 Stats:  SV% .900 / GAA 2.66 / 33-11-0  (47 games)
*Gold Medal - 2016-17 U18 World Championship (7-0-0 record)

Nick Sanford  

Hometown: Morristown, New Jersey
Height / Weight: 6-1 / 180
Last Team: Boston Jr. Bruins (USPHL)
2016-17 Stats:  SV% .924 / GAA 2.31 / 16-8-0  (40 games)
*Earned USPHL Goaltender of the Week honors (December 5)